29th September – 1st October 2024

4pm - 10pm

Jeddah International Exhibition & Conference Center

Construct Talks


Pioneering Industry Innovation and Excellence

Join us at Jeddah Construct for ‘Construct Talks’, a platform dedicated to addressing the pressing needs and emerging trends of the construction industry.

This series of insightful sessions will feature industry leaders and innovative thinkers who will share their knowledge and expertise on a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices to project management and leadership. Construct Talks offers invaluable insights and practical solutions to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving construction landscape.

  • Gain cutting-edge insights and practical knowledge from industry leaders helping you stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the construction industry.
  • Learn actionable strategies and forward-thinking solutions to address current challenges and enhance your organization’s competitive edge.
  • A chance to connect with peers, industry professionals, and thought leaders, fostering valuable relationships and potential collaborations.

4 influential themes:

Construction industry in spotlight

Share your expertise

Are you a thought leader, industry innovator, or passionate construction industry professional eager to contribute to discussions which will drive the sector forward? We welcome you to express your interest in becoming a speaker at our Construct Talks. Share your insights, experiences, and visionary ideas with our engaged audience of industry enthusiasts.

Some of the themes that will be discussed are project management, technology in construction, project updates, leadership & sustainability.


20+ Sessions, 30+ Speakers

Learn from industry thought leaders and experts at Construct Talks.

Upskill and earn CPD points

Our series of Talks are certified through the CPD Certification Service, the world’s leading and largest independent CPD accreditation organization working across all industry sectors.

2024 Agenda

05:00 PM
Navigating transformation: Strategic approaches to leading change in the construction industry

• Strategies to develop a forward-thinking mindset across the organizational structure

• Techniques for effective change management, including stakeholder engagement, communication plans, and overcoming resistance

• Leveraging emerging technologies and innovative practices to modernize operations, enhance efficiency, and achieve competitive advantage

• Policies and practices that foster a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement

05:20 PM
Panel discussion - Vision 2030: Driving success and overcoming delivery challenges in the western region

• Identifying and addressing the key challenges, such as regulatory hurdles, funding, and resource management

• Implementing innovative practices and technologies to achieve sustainable growth

• Developing and retaining a skilled workforce to meet the project goals

• Methods for keeping track of progress and maintaining accountability across the value chain

Turki DaghistaniTatweer Buildings Company

06:00 PM
Setting up for success: Planning and executing effective project kick-offs

• Techniques to develop well-defined objectives and scopes

• Assembling a skilled and cohesive team, with clear roles and responsibilities

• Developing a comprehensive project plan, including timelines, milestones, resource allocations, and risk management strategies

• Developing and enforcing standardized communication protocols to ensure consistent and efficient information flow across all levels

Khalil Al SaeediSaudi Entertainment Ventures | SEVEN

06:20 PM
Best practice for restoring historical sites

• Conducting thorough research and documentation of the site's history, architectural details, and original materials to ensure a respectful restoration process

• Sourcing authentic materials, if possible, and employing traditional construction methods along with advanced technologies to maintain authenticity and ensure the longevity of the site

• Strategies for integrating modern amenities and safety standards while conserving the cultural integrity of the site

• Highlight notable restoration projects that have successfully preserved historical value while addressing contempered needs

06:40 PM
Unified workflow: Improved collaboration and interoperability in construction management

• Implementing strategies and tools such as integrated platforms specifically designed for managing remote teams and construction sites, ensuring distance does not impede effective communication

• Secure and enhanced data sharing across platforms

• Automating and synchronizing workflows to enhance project coordination and efficiency

• Implementing SOPs to achieve interoperability across all platforms and tools

07:00 PM
Panel discussion - Strengthening foundations: Proactive risk management in construction projects

• Recognizing frequent challenges early and setting up mitigation strategies

• Developing comprehensive risk management plans, and techniques for constant monitoring

• Leveraging visual tools such as dashboards, Gantt charts, and progress reports for clear and concise project updates

• Exploring technologies available and how to leverage them to monitor risks and adapt strategies in real-time

Matt DoranChartered Institute of Building

08:30 PM
Networking session hosted by the Chartered Institute of Building

05:00 PM
Panel discussion - Overcoming the environmental challenges in construction along the western coast

• Mitigating impacts of extreme temperatures, water scarcity, sandstorms, and humidity on construction projects

• Exploring complexities of soil conditions unique to desert coastal regions, including soil stability, erosion, and foundation design

• Choosing materials that resist corrosion and accommodate thermal expansion in harsh environments

• Managing supply chains, transportation, and on-site resources effectively in remote locations

Dr. Khatib Zada FarhanKing Abdulaziz University

Engr. Farid GhadiehACES

05:40 PM
Case study - Implementing green building practices across the project

• Overview of the project, including its goals, scope, and sustainability targets

• Exploring sustainable technologies and methods, such as energy-efficient systems, sustainable materials, and water conservation measures

• Reviewing challenges during implementation and strategies used to overcome them

• Analyzing the project’s environmental, social, and economic impact including energy savings, cost benefits, and community feedback

06:00 PM
Modular construction: Revolutionizing the future of building

• Overview of modular construction principles and key benefits such as faster build times and cost efficiency

• Exploring advanced design methods and prefabrication technologies that enable modular construction

• Reviewing notable projects, highlighting success, challenges, and overall impact

• Insights into emerging trends, technological advancements, and future possibilities

06:20 PM
From procurement to site: Streamlining material logistics for construction success

• Best practices for material procurement, including supplier selection, bulk purchasing, and just-in-time delivery

• Sourcing materials locally to reduce imports, support local economy, reduce transportation costs and lead times

• Leveraging technologies like RFID, IoT, and digital inventories to monitor material usage and build them into the project management systems

• Effective logistics plans for transportation and storage that minimize handling costs, reduce risk of damages, and ensure timely delivery

06:40 PM
Panel discussion - Dynamic project management: Enhancing resilience and agility to meet future challenges

• Strategies to integrate agile methodologies across all processes

• Encouraging a culture of flexibility and innovation among project teams

• Selecting the right technologies to improve efficiency and boost real-time decision-making

• Practices that promote collaboration across different disciplines within the organization to leverage diverse expertise and enhance problem-solving

07:20 PM
Case study - Building climate resilient structures

  • Conducting thorough risk assessments and development of comprehensive mitigations plans
  • Leveraging advanced design techniques, technologies, and durable materials to enhance resilience over time
  • Provide insights into the economic benefits of investing in climate-resilient construction, including long-term savings and reduced maintenance costs
  • Discussing strategies to minimize embodied carbon in construction materials and processes, and their impact on the project’s carbon footprint

07:40 PM
Sustainable material practices: Paving the way for eco-friendly construction

• Exploring materials with lower environmental impact, understanding the benefits and limitations

• Implementing practices that enhance the energy efficiency of construction materials including insulation improvements and energy-efficient production methods

• Innovative designs and techniques that reduce waste, like material offcuts, over-ordering, and disposal needs

• Adopting circular economy practices across processes to extend the material life cycle and reduce landfill contribution

08:00 PM
Case study - Additive manufacturing in construction: Transforming the Industry with 3D printing

• Understanding the technologies available and their applications

• Impact on project efficiency and design flexibility

• Using notable examples to highlight achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in application.

• Explore future trends and potential challenges, such as regulatory issues and scalability, and how strategies to address them

05:00 PM
American Concrete Institute Session - Concrete cracking: Advanced diagnosis and management

  • Exploring factors contributing to concrete cracking, like environmental conditions, material properties, and construction practices
  • Reviewing advanced evaluation techniques for accurately identifying and categorizing cracks and determining their root causes
  • Discussing best practices and innovative approaches to mitigate cracking during the design and construction, ensuring long-term durability
  • Examining effective crack repair techniques that restore structural integrity and prevent recurrence, saving time and resources on future projects

Khaled Nahlawi, PhD, PE American Concrete Institute (ACI)

05:20 PM
Tech-Driven Transformation: Is the construction industry ready for the future?

• Analyzing the current adoption rate of technologies such as AI, robotics, and automation

• Evaluating existing platforms based on their level of integration and scalability

• Leveraging data analytics and IoT to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance decision-making

• Identifying and addressing implementation challenges, such as resistance to change, cost, and infrastructure limitations

05:40 PM
Panel discussion - Innovative strategies for optimizing workforce management

• Attracting and retaining top talent in the industry and engaging young talent

• Discuss enhanced and effective training programs to upskill the workforce

• Explore technologies that streamline tasks and reduce manual labor load

• Steps for enhanced worker safety, welfare, and productivity

06:20 PM
Case study - Harnessing AI: Economic benefits for the project and team

• Demonstrating how the use of AI technologies has streamlined processes and increased productivity

• Highlighting instances where AI implementation has led to improved resource management, and reduced operational costs

• Discussing the impact of AI-driven training on upskilling employees and creating a more versatile and capable workforce

• Reviewing the impact of AI-powered analytics and decision-support systems on project management practices

06:40 PM
Case study - Key lessons from the implementation of digital twin

• Addressing technical and organizational challenges during implementation

• Highlight enhanced project visualization abilities and their impact on decision-making and project management

• Benefits of real-time data monitoring and predictive maintenance in reducing downtime and extending the asset life cycle

• Discussing improved collaboration across project teams

07:00 PM
Cultivating a mindset of sustainability: Daily practices for a greener construction value chain

• Adopting practices that minimize environmental impact, such as efficient use of resources, waste reduction, and eco-friendly construction methods

• Engaging stakeholders across the value chain, including clients and subcontractors, in sustainability initiatives for enhanced overall environmental performance

• Fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration to enhance collective sustainability efforts

• Establishing feedback mechanisms and measurable KPIs to gather input from internal and external stakeholders to refine and improve the process

07:20 PM
Panel discussion - Human-machine collaboration: Bringing together humans and AI for smart construction

• Exploring how AI, robotics, and automation can enhance human skills and efficiency

• Employing machines to improve safety protocols and achieve higher precision

• Integrating human expertise with machine learning

• Training and adaption for a collaborative workforce

08:00 PM
Case study - Innovations and best practices in construction health and safety

• Comprehensive safety programs and protocols to ensure work safety onsite

• Technologies utilized to enhance safety oversight incident prevention

• Building a safety-first culture through training, leadership, and employee engagement

• Mitigating health risks and supporting work wellness and mental health